Whoever You Are

Title: Whoever You Are 
Genre: Multicultural 
Author: Mem Fox 
Major Awards: None 
Age group: 3 - 8 Years old 
Whoever You Are is about kids all over the world who may not look the same or even speak the same
language. Kids all over the world run, jump,play, and learn the same everyday despite their differences.
While their lives may be very different in several different ways they are all alike inside. Pain is the same,
their hearts are the same, joy is the same, and there are so many ways that each and every child is the

I would love to use this book in my classroom! It has such a great message that no matter what everyone
is alike in many different ways despite where they live, the color of their skin, their religion,etc. I believe
that young kids need to hear this and that it is a great message for all to hear in the classroom.

I believe that this book would be perfect for students in grades pre-k through second grade. It has a great
message that no matter what physical differences people may have were all alike on the inside. In
addition, it has easy to read words and sentences that will be helpful for younger students. Also, it has
beautiful pictures with an array of children that I feel students would really enjoy. 

If I were to use this book in my classroom I would first read it out loud to my class. Then, I would have
my students draw themselves and write all the things about them that they can think of that are unique
and some that are common. Once everyone was finished I would have my students share and talk about
how our class is different and the same.


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