When I Was Little

Title: When I Was Little 
Genre: Realistic Fiction 
Author: Jamie Lee Curtis 
Major Awards: 3 - 7 Years old 
Age group: None 

When I Was Little, is about a little girl’s life as she grows up from a baby to a pre-teen. The girl talks about
her life when she was a baby and how it changes as she grows up. She talks about how her physical,
emotional, social, and even mental aspects of life has changed as she has grown up. At the end of the book
the young girl expresses how when she was little she didn't know who she was but now she does. 

I would like to use this book in my classroom, especially if I were to teach younger children. This book has
a cute message about how children change and the normalcy of change as a child ages. It is also very cute
and has a sense of humor to go along with it which I feel children would enjoy. 

I feel as if this book is best to use in a pre-k to 1st grade classroom. It is a very cute story about some of the
changes young children go through and it is relatable for kids in these younger grades. It also has very
short sentences and easy to read words who makes it a great book for younger children. 

If I were to use this book in my class I would first read it out loud to my students and then have a brief
discussion about what happened in the story and ways that she changed. Then, I would have my students
draw a picture of themselves and write things that have changed about them since being a baby. After
everyone was finished I would have each child share and have class discussions about them. 


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