Families Are Different

Title: Families Are Different 
Genre: Multicultural 
Author: Nina Pellegrini 
Major Awards: None
Age group: 3 - 8 years old 
Nico is a little girl who was adopted by a family that doesn't really look like her. She starts to feel sad that
she looks so different but then she starts to look around agt her friends and peers. Nico quickly realizes that
everyone's family is very different just like hers! Some only have one parent, some look like one parent
and not the other, others have two parents, and even a few are adopted. This comforts her and she realizes
that everyone is unique in their own way. 

I would love to use this book in my class! It has a great message that everyone is unique in their own
way and that everyone's family is different. It also has a lot of diversity within which I feel is extremely
important for students to read and understand. I feel as if my students would really enjoy this book and
some may even relate to it. 

I feel as if this book would be perfect for students in grades pre-k through second grade. It has easy to
read sentences and a very limited amount of words which would be best for younger students . It also
has cute pictures that show an immense amount of different people which I feel students would love.
In addition, the message behind it is very heart-warming and I feel kids would love it. 

If I were to use this book in my classroom I would first read it out loud to my students. Then, I would
have them draw a picture of their own unique families and write about them. Once everyone was done I
would have each one of them share to show the diversity in our own classroom.


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