"Poems For The Very Young"

Title: “Poems For The Very Young” 
Genre: Poetry 
Author: Michael Rosen (Selected) 
Major Awards: None
Age Group: 3 - 7 Year olds 

This book, “Poems For The Very Young” is a collection of poems written by a plethora of different authors.
The poems range from silly, thought provoking, and even to real life events. All of the poems follow a little
bit of a story of little boys and their days, it is extremely diverse and fun. The last poem in the book is
about night time, sleeping, the stars, and the moon which is very appropriate for the book. It also has a
picture of all of the characters that we've seen throughout the book sleeping all together in one bed. 

I would like to use this book in my classroom, especially for early childhood grades. I would use it because of all of the fun pictures, rhyming words and sentences, and because of the real life events that occur throughout making it easy to follow along. I think that younger students would really find this book humorous and enjoy it. 

I think that an appropriate grade level for this book would be Pre-kindergarten through first grade due to all of the fun pictures and how easy/relatable it is for a younger audience. Younger students would also enjoy all of the rhyming words and the silliness of this book. This book full of random poems would really catch the interests of younger students so i feel like it would be a great selection to use in my classroom.

A lesson I could do with this book would be to find all of the rhyming words with my students and discuss the poems pattern. We could also have a class discussion about what is going on in the book and analyze each one as much as possible. I could also have each student pick his/her favorite poem and ask them to draw me their own picture of it.


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