Goldilocks And The Three Bears

Title: Goldilocks And The Three Bears 
Genre: Traditional Literature 
Author: Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob Grimm 
Major Awards: Caldecott Medal 
Age group: 3 -7 years old 

Goldilocks, a young girl wanders from her home and stumbles upon the house of the three bears.
In the house she tries three bowls of porridge, three chairs, and three beds. She ends up liking the baby
bears porridge, chair, and bed the best after trying all three. Goldilocks falls asleep in the little bears bed
and wakes up to the three bears standing over her angry. Startled,she runs away and claims that she will
never come back again. 

I would like to use this book in my classroom as a good source for a reading and comprehension unit.
The book is easy to follow and can also be fun to do multiple activities with. Kids will also be able to follow
along with the book and even be able to predict the next event that will take place. I feel as if this book could
not only serve as an educational resource but as a fun resource for the kids to explore. 

I feel as if this book is suitable for children in grades kindergarten through second grade. It is easy to read
and follow along as well as very catchy and repetitive making it interesting for younger children. The book
can also be used in many different activities that are perfect for learning reading comprehension which
students learn in early education. 

I would use this book when doing a unit on reading and comprehension. I would read the book out loud as
a class and ask the kids a series of comprehension and foreshadowing questions as we went along.
Questions such as, “Where did Goldilocks come from?” “whose chair is the big, middle, and little?”
“Whose porridge did Goldilocks eat?” “Whose bed do you think Goldilocks will sleep in?” etc. I would also
put my students in groups and have them act out the story the best that they can, as well as have them do
other activities using the book.


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