The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Title: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Genre: Fantasy 
Author: Joan Stimson
Major Awards: CCBC Choices 2018 Choice: 
Age Group: 4 - 7 year olds


This fantasy book, The Three Billy Goats Gruff is about three billy goats called Gruff. All the three goats
want is to go across the bridge and eat the sweet, tasty, green grass that is across the bridge, but there is a
mean troll that guards it. The first two goats pass successfully and when the third goes to pass he gobbles
up the mean troll so he never scares anyone from going across the bridge ever again. Now, all three goats
are happily on the other side of the bridge eating the grass which soon makes them all fat. 

I don't think I would use this book in my classroom as an instructional piece. I would put it in my classroom
library for my students to explore and read though. I don't feel as if this book has much educational value
or really anything that I could use to benefit my children's learning. Although, I do believe that it would be
great to have in my classroom library though due to its colorful pictures and easy to read words. 

I believe that this book is appropriate for students in grades Pre- K through second grade. It has very
colorful and bright pictures which would appeal to younger aged students. Also, it has easy vocabulary and
is pretty easy to read/follow along which I feel would be good for first and second graders. This book is
humorous as well and I feel like students in the lower grades will enjoy it and get a laugh out of it. 

As I stated above, I don't think I would use this book in my classroom but if I had to I would use it for
learning about fantasy books. I would read it aloud to the class and then have a group discussion on why it
was a fantasy and what parts of the books are made up/not real. I could also have my students draw their
own version of the bride and troll to see what they picture a mean troll looks like. Another thing I could
have my students do is reenact the book and create a play out of it in groups.


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