"Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening"

Title: “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening” 
Genre: Poetry 
Author: Robert Frost 
Major Awards: None 
Age Group: 10-16 Year olds 

Robert Frost's poem, “Stopping By Woods On A snowy evening” is simple upon first rea, it seems to be
about a man who travels  into some woods and admires the snow as it falls from the sky. The man takes his
time taking the scene in and contemplates staying longer but has to leave due to other responsibilities and
the lengthy travel he still has ahead of him. The poem ends with the line, “And miles to go before I sleep”
and repeats it twice. This is stating how far the man still has to travel before he can rest and sleep. This
poem has been interpreted in many different ways and no one really seems to know the true meaning
behind it, is it simple or is it maybe even dark? 

While this book is quite interesting, I'm not really sure I would want to use it in my classroom. It is a bit
confusing as to what the true meaning really is and can seem a bit dark. Also, I feel like analyzing it as
a class would be a bit difficult and maybe rather puzzling to some individuals. I would maybe have this
piece in my class library for students to read on their own time. 

I feel as if an appropriate grade level for this poem would be about 6th to 8th grade. This poem is a bit
hard to analyze and understand, so I feel that middle school or even high school aged students would
better benefit from it. Also, older students can get more out of it such as repetition, color scheme, and
even the ideas that lie within. 

If i were to do a lesson over this poem I would have my students listen to it as a read it aloud first.
Then, I would have them read it independently and have a class discussion about it after everyone is
done reading. I would have my students analyze the book and discuss what they believe the book
means. Also, I would have them pick the poem apart and find the literary devices that can be found


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