Title: Islandborn Genre: Historical Fiction Author: Junot Diaz Major Awards: Pura Belpre Award Age Group: 7 - 10 Year olds Summary: Islandborn is about a young girl named Camillo who is from a place she calls, “the Island” (a small island in the Domincan republic. One day at school Camillas teacher asks the cass to go home and draw a picture of where they are from. This upsets camilla because she moved away from the Island when she was just a baby so she doesn't remember it. She goes around and asks her family about the Island, its history, and asks them to help her get a mental picture of the place. As she goes from person to person they all have great things to say besides one, Mr.Mir. Mir.mir tells camilla about a scary monster that once came and tried to take over the town. Then, he tells her that the heros, who know one knows, saved the town and got rid of the mean monster. Once she goes home she starts on her drawing of her hometown. It starts as a page, then goes ...