The Little Red Hen

Title: The Little Red Hen
Genre: Traditional Literature (Folktale) 
Author: Diane Muldrow 
Major Awards: ALA Notable Children’s Book
Age group: 4 - 8 years old

The little red hen is a busy bee who seems to  always be working while the cat and frog do nothing.
After baking a delicious cake by herself she runs off to enjoy it on her lonesome. On her adventure she runs
into some trouble with a fox, but finds her way out of it and returns home to a now working cat and frog. 

I would like to use this book in my classroom as a lesson to my students to never take people for granted.
I feel as if this book would give children an understanding of how important it is to help others and to work
together. I also think that the students would enjoy the suspense of the book as well as the hens cleverness. 

I feel as if an appropriate grade level for this book would be children from Kindergarten to about second
grade. It has simple language along with a plethora of pictures which makes it suitable for younger aged
students but a good moral that older children may catch. Younger and older grade students would enjoy
this books plot and events that occur within it.  

I would use this book when teaching a unit about teamwork and the importance of working together to get
things done. I would start by reading the book and asking the students questions throughout such as,
“why did the hen leave and run away?” and “when the hen came back why did the cat and frog feel so
bad and start helping?” After I would have a class discussion as to why teamwork and helping our friends
is important. 


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