Gingerbread Baby

Title: Gingerbread Baby 
Genre: Traditional Literature 
Author: Jan Brett
Major Awards: 2000 Bookseller's Choice-Picture Book
Age group: 4-5 years old 

This book, Gingerbread Baby is a story about a young boy named Mattie and his mom who decided to
make a gingerbread boy on a cold winter day. While reading the directions on how to make the gingerbread
boy it specifically says not to open the oven until the timer goes off and the full eight minutes is up. Mattie
opens the oven door only five minutes in to peak inside and out comes a gingerbread baby. The gingerbread
baby runs all over town and makes a big ruckus as everyone tries to catch him. Mattie decides to make the
gingerbread baby a gingerbread house, that he hopes the baby will live in and stop running all over town.
After awhile,the gingerbread baby is nowhere to be found and everyone panics thinking he has been eaten.
Finally, the gingerbread baby is found in the gingerbread house where he will live happily ever after. 

I would use this book in my classroom around Christmas time when making gingerbread houses/men is apart
of the festivities of the season. I would use it as a lesson on following the rules and how important it is that
we follow the rules all the time no matter what. I would use this book to give a clear example as to why we
follow the rules and show them what can happen if we don't. 

I feel as if this book would be appropriate for children in grades pre-k through first grade. There are a lot of
animated pictures which would be appealing to younger children as well as very short easy to read/understand
sentences. Also, I like how the author decided to make it a gingerbread baby which would appeal to younger
children as well. This book is very humorous and I think the students would get a good laugh out of it. 

In my classroom I would use this book when we study a unit on following directions and why it is
important to follow the rules. I would have the students popcorn off why Mattie should have followed the
rules and what was the consequence of him not following the rules. I would also have them draw their own
gingerbread baby and have them come up with their own adventure around the town. Also, I would have
them create and decorate a gingerbread house for their baby gingerbread to live in like the end of the story. 


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