The Three Little Pigs

Title: The Three Little Pigs  
Genre: Traditional Literature 
Author: James Marshall 
Major Awards: N/A 
Age group: 4 - 8 years old 

The Three Little Pigs is a story about three pigs whose mother tells them it is time to go and live on their
own in the real world. As the three little pigs set out on their adventure they each choose their own path
and material in which they will build their house out of. Two of the pigs built their houses out of flimsy
material. A wolf comes and blows their houses down and eats them right up. The third pig however,
chooses a strong and sturdy material in which can not be blown down. The wolf comes and tries to blow
the third pig’s house down but is not successful, leaving the third pig safe inside. Then the wolf tries to
invite the third pig to do things with him such as going to pick turnips, picking apples, and going to the fair.
The pig tricks the wolf by going earlier than they had planned and leaves before the wolf arrives to get him.
By the end the wolf is so mad he ends up trying to get the pig through his chimney. The third pig sets a hot
pot in the chimney and tells the wolf to come on down resulting in him boiling the wolf. Pig number three
now has a scrumptious meal and eats the wolf right up.

I will certainly use this book in my class as it is a classic children's book passed down from generation to
generation. Although,it was in an evil way I will express the determination of the wolf and how he never
gave up. This would be a tremendous book to use when teaching students the importance of never giving up
and trying their best in everything they do. 

I believe that this book is appropriate for children in grades Pre-K through second grade. The book is
extremely humorous and will grab the attention of a younger audience easily. Also, it has a good message
within that I feel is important for students to learn. The book also can easily be acted out and I feel as if
younger aged students would love doing this. Also, it has a lot of pictures which will catch a younger child's

I would use this book when teaching a unit on determination and never giving up. I would express how
determined the wolf was and how he never gave up no matter what. I would have the students create each
house with the materials the pigs used and have them create each pigs house. I would also have them reenact
the book as a class and create/present a play. Also, I would have each of the students create their own pigs
and decide what they would make their house out of. 


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