Gingerbread Baby
Title: Gingerbread Baby Genre: Traditional Literature Author: Jan Brett Major Awards: 2000 Bookseller's Choice-Picture Book Age group: 4-5 years old Summary: This book, Gingerbread Baby is a story about a young boy named Mattie and his mom who decided to make a gingerbread boy on a cold winter day. While reading the directions on how to make the gingerbread boy it specifically says not to open the oven until the timer goes off and the full eight minutes is up. Mattie opens the oven door only five minutes in to peak inside and out comes a gingerbread baby. The gingerbread baby runs all over town and makes a big ruckus as everyone tries to catch him. Mattie decides to make the gingerbread baby a gingerbread house, that he hopes the baby will live in and stop running all over town. After awhile,the gingerbread baby is nowhere to be found and everyone panics thinking he has been eaten. Finally, the gingerbread baby is found in the gingerb...